Monday, May 28, 2007

My First Week of Internship

It has been almost a week I have been here and life still is moving at a snail’s pace. At the end of the first day of orientation, I met with my manager for the global online division. Interestingly my mentor was coming on Wednesday only so I was lined up for some meeting in his absence to get some idea of the division. Also, interestingly, I was told I would have my laptop by next week only, which essentially means I as a summer intern of Global “Online” division of “Dell” would not be able to do anything!!!

Damn!!! Tuesday was still fine with the meeting lined up for me; however I was bored to death on Wednesday… save alone the arrival of my mentor. I went to a few meeting with him as I didn’t have anything else to do and was almost dozing off there. Thank goodness I was carrying loads of books with me all this while from Delhi to Mumbai to Ann Arbor and now to Austin. Finished 2 books in 2 days and got paid for that as well. What more can one ask for in such circumstances! And as if Murphy’s law wasn’t good enough to explain things here, we have a big weekend to start here with Monday off. God only knows how much I need a break right now… so be it. Met with a few friends here but spent most of my time watching movies at home. I need to start working pretty soon :(

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Blogger Unknown said...

Looks like you worked more in MAP but didnt get paid for it. MAP was 7 weeks of work without pay. Dell internship is 10 weeks of pay without pay. It all evens out. Don't Complain!

7:13 PM  

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